
Mina Settembre (2021) by Tiziana Aristarco wins a place in the sun among the most beloved characters on television.
This fiction starring Serena Rossi, launched on the small screen by the longest-running Italian soap ever, is one of the main hits of the year. The Neapolitan actress here plays the role of a social worker committed body and soul in solving the problems of others. The stories of Maurizio De Giovanni represent the “starting point” to define the characteristics of this “heroine” who represents the soul of a clinic in the heart of the historic center of Naples. There where others hesitate, “Gelsomina” acts and, regardless of the consequences, launches into the most disparate and absurd enterprises in order to save others and reassure them that a way out is always possible. A woman who in private does not hide her weaknesses and her passions, in short, an ordinary person who becomes extraordinary when she flies in the social world at the speed of light. Dizzying auditel data for a program that reached peaks of over 6 and a half million spectators in the prime time of Raiuno with a share of 26%. Numbers that are the best way to get back to the small screen quickly. Among the talented actors in the cast, a special mention goes to Marina Confalone, Mina’s suffocating mother, “Olga”.

The Places

Over 15 locations have been selected by this production with the support of the Campania Region Film Commission. For the fiction, also shot after the first lockdown, both the classic views of Posillipo and the Lungomare were chosen, as well as more “hidden” places, but with an undoubted architectural and historical weight: this is the case of the structure that houses the Association Nazionale Mutilati e Invalidi di Guerra – which also hosted the set of Liliana Cavani’s “La pelle” – an admirable example of the rationalist architecture of the Thirties typical of the buildings overlooking Piazza Matteotti. And again: Villa Doria D’Angri, prestigious seat of the Parthenope University in via Petrarca and Palazzo Doria D’Angri in via Toledo, from whose balcony Giuseppe Garibaldi greeted the Neapolitan people after the triumphal entry into the city. There is no shortage of references to the contemporary, the bar where the protagonist and her friends sip drinks is one of the cult places of the city nightlife.


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